Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21, 2021

7:42 am

Well. That was a long break. So many things all going on at once, COVID-19, new puppy (Ferguson Ecklund), no work, masked work, work, and masked work once again. New president, old ghoulish president lurking in the wings, hopefully on his way to prison. The one thing that did not really happen for some time was any artwork; but I am here to say that that problem is seemingly coming to a close. 

New work. 


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018

Good evening,
So many changes!

First off,  some art. :)

Applying again for c2e2, hopefully this year I can make the trip and see some of my Chicago friends. :)

New face around the house these days.
Meet Owen.

He is the short, dark and handsome fellow in this picture, and is now in charge of my life as I know it. 
<3 p="">

More to come. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Good morning,
Dropping a little art here to have it accessible. News to come shortly.

Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016

Once more,  I find the time flying by at the speed of light, leaving the habit of regularly updating this place by the wayside. 

I have been working, both at work, and at art. So life has been full. 
Here are some examples of the latter. :)

These are the ladies.

And now for some dogs. 


There have been shows, and a trip to Colorado sprinkled in there too.   Like I said, it's been a year.
Now we will wait to see what comes next.  <3 p="">

Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015

How the time flies. 
Here's the latest news fit to write. 

**I'll be at a couple shows coming up in the next two months, first off, c2e2 in Chicago. 

Go here for all the details:

I will be seated along side Jessica Hickman at table R16b.  Come over and see me the weekend of April 24-26. 

**Next up, Formerly known as SpringCon, the newly named MSP Comic Con. All the details are here:

Make sure not to miss it, mark your calendars for the weekend of May 16-17.  I can't wait to see you there. 

I've been working on a new set of paintings, featuring some of my favorite things to paint.  Ladies and Dogs!  Here is a glimpse of the first two completed paintings, and a look at the sketch for the third.

Steampunk Lady with Great Dane


Steampunk Lady with Borzoi


Steampunk Lady with Irish Wolfhound (in progress)

I am having such fun with these. :)  I hope everyone is enjoying them asa much as I love painting them. 

As always, I leave you with a Jenson. 

<3 font="">

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014
Gearing up for another FallCon at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. 
I cannot believe this time is already here. 
I wanted to invite everyone in the area to stop by  and see me. 
October 4, 2014
Be there!
Here is what's  on the drawing/painting board for today. 

Painting on this is up next. :) (pardon the hot cornered scan)

I hope to see you this weekend!!!


Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18, 2013

Good morning on this beautiful overcast day, I think fall is finally here.
(At least for a day or two) 
There is lots of news in the shiny world. Work is still continuing on the Fairy Tale
Ladies, and Tinkerbell has joined the ranks of the completed. Yay!

Prints will be up on my Etsy shop
Head over there and take a look. 
I think Rapunzel is next up, I can't wait for the world to see her, her
inspiration is a goddess. XOX
The actual Fairy Tale show  will be taking place at  The Coffee Shop NE, in
the next February. Details to come later. 

I also have a new project in the works. It is tentatively titled "Loched", and you 
guessed it, the subject is the Loch Ness monster. I am planning for a Spring Con
unveiling, thanks to my manager, Jessi Hickman. If not for her, I would get nothing done. lol.
 Here is a sneak peek of our 'hero'...

I will be updating here, so keep your collective  eyes peeled. All Loch, all 
the time...just saying. 

Let's see, what else, Oh! If you have yet to pick up The Mermaid and the Shark
get on that. It's a beautiful story for all ages. Doo eeet!

As always, if you want me to paint your dog, cat or turtle, just say the word. I could also
paint on your dog, cat or turtle...more difficult though, so the price on that might seem
to be quite unrealistic in the 'painting pets' arena. Just sayin.  

Other options, if you would like to be a pirate, I could do that as well. 
Red Bess  is the keeper of all things piratical, and would be the scribe for your
personal pirate legend. Go on, you know you want one. 
(who doesn't want to be a pirate?)

That is all. 

Here's a Jenson for the road. Drive safely and make good choices.